var s = this.state, t = (s.table[s.byte_index++] += s.diffuser); return (s.diffuser += rotate_right(t, 11)) ^ t;
The Advanced Encryption Standard in Counter mode. Now used by macOS and Windows.
state.counter++; let matrix = state.counter; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { matrix = SubBytes(matrix); matrix = ShiftRows(matrix); if (i < 9) { matrix = MixColumns(matrix); } matrix = AddRoundKey(matrix, state.key, i); } return matrix;
Also known as the RC4 cipher. Formerly used by macOS. Look for bit 0.
i = (i + 1); j = (j + state[i]); [state[i], state[j]] = [state[j], state[i]]; return state[(state[i] + state[j])];
As used by Firefox, Chrome, Safari. Look for similar early clustering in bits 11 thru 14.
let s1 = this.state[0], s0 = this.state[1]; this.state[0] = s0; s1 ^= (s1 << 23n) & this.mask64; s1 ^= s1 >> 17n; s1 ^= s0; s1 ^= s0 >> 26n; this.state[1] = s1; return (s0 + s1) & this.mask64;
As used by Java. Look for bits 16+.
this.state = (this.state * 0x5DEECE66Dn + 0xBn) & this.mask; return Number(this.state >> 16n);
Simple MCG on a 128-bit number. Look for bits 0 thru 9.
this.state = (this.state * 0xda942042e4dd58b5n) & ((1n << 128n) - 1n); return this.state >> 64n;
Float multiplication. Look for bit 5.
const s = this.state; const t = 2091639 * s[0] + s[3] * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32 s[0] = s[1]; s[1] = s[2]; return s[2] = t - (s[3] = t | 0) * 0x100000000;
Multiplication, cascade subtraction and rotation. See recurrent point at top left across seed flips.
const s = this.state; s[0] = 3323815723 * s[2]; s[1] = rol(s[1] - s[0], 6); s[2] = rol(s[2] - s[1], 22); return s[0];
Small fast counter-based.
const s = this.state; const r = s[0] + s[1] + s[3]; s[3]++; s[0] = s[1] ^ s[1] >>> 9; s[1] = s[2] + (s[2] << 3); s[2] = (s[2] << 21 | s[2] >>> 11) + r; return r;
Segregated rotation and addition.
const rot = counter & 31; for (let i = 4; i > 0; i--) { state[i] = ror(state[i], rot) + state[i-1]; } state[0] = ror(state[0], rot) + counter++; return state[4];
Fast big randomness.
var s = this.state, t = (s.table[s.byte_index++] += s.diffuser); return (s.diffuser += rotate_right(t, 11)) ^ t;