<html><head><title>Hacked By RootDev7</title><meta property="og:image" content="https://i.ibb.co/LNfxQBr/20221224-230551.png">
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<br><br><b><font size="10px">Hacked By RootDev7</b><br>
<font size="6px"> <br><br><font size="6px">Message:</br>
<br>All websites must have their own security holes, some have been fixed by the Admin. There are still many bug loopholes found by hackers out there. Technology is increasingly developing day by day more and more sophisticated tools created by humans.<br><br></font> <body><br><body> <iframe width="0" height="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="#" ></iframe></body></html>
<br><font size="6px">Support By:</br>
<br><font size="6px"> </marquee><marquee>IMORTAL GHOST TEAM - GLOBAL DEFACER - ALL<marquee></marquee></br>